Defining Creative Marketing Tactics

If you've never heard of creative marketing, the term
might sound a little extreme. Perhaps it brings to
mind images of camouflage-clad rebels forcing
unsuspecting consumers to buy products at gunpoint, or
small bands of rogue salespeople wandering Corporate
America and chanting about liberation.

Fortunately, creative marketing is not as threatening
as it sounds. In fact, when used properly, this tactic
is one of the most effective methods available to
today's entrepreneur to cultivate a business and
increase sales.

So, what's all the fuss about?

The Definition

Creative Marketing: Any unconventional marketing
technique that is designed to produce maximum results
using minimal resources (money and materials).

This definition is broad at best. There are as many
types of guerilla marketing as there are businesses
and entrepreneurs attempting to use it. From the home
business to huge mega-corporations, guerilla marketing
strategies cover an enormous spectrum that includes a
little of everything.

However, there are a few aspects that remain common to
all guerilla tactics:

They are inexpensive, and sometimes free, to
They involve a commitment of time and effort in
place of money and resources.
They are unexpected, and sometimes shocking, to the
They concentrate on cooperation and
relationship-building, rather than competition and
strong-arm sales tactics.
They promote brand awareness and customer loyalty.

The best approach to creating an effective guerilla
marketing campaign is to determine where your target
customers are, and find a unique way to reach them.
This book will help you accomplish that goal.
The History

The term "guerilla marketing" was coined in the 1980's
by Jay Conrad Levinson. Considered the "father of
Guerilla Marketing," Levinson published his first book
on the subject in 1984 (Guerilla Marketing, Houghton
Mifflin), and since then has become living proof that
the tactics work.

Levinson has since written over a dozen books on
guerilla marketing, and his website at presents a wealth of information,
tips, and articles on the subject.

One of the earliest and most well-known examples of
effective guerilla marketing is the Marlboro Man.
Regardless of your opinion on tobacco, the evidence of
Marlboro's success can't be ignored. The company
skyrocketed from near the bottom of the cigarette
brand list to the top slot almost instantly with the
introduction of their weathered mascot, and the
guerilla marketing campaign that brought the icon to
the attention of the public.

Coincidentally, one of the creators of the Marlboro
Man and his campaign was the now-legendary Jay Conrad
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